Aagje Bais. Interview National Broadcasting Station RTL, Gynaecology in the Middle East, 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Aagje Bais. Interview The National newspaper, Special on HPV, 2018, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Aagje Bais. Interview Dutch National Radio, Gynaecology in the Middle East, 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Aagje Bais. Invited speaker SHELL, Gynaecology in the Middle East, 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Aagje Bais. Invited speaker BUPA breast cancer awareness, 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Aagje Bais. Invited speaker Stanley's Black and Decker Women Forum, 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Aagje Bais. Invited speaker Breast Cancer Awareness, 2015, Ajman, United Arab Emirates.
Aagje Bais. MSD’s guest speaker at ‘Global clinical Observational Program’, 2014 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Aagje Bais. Presentation General Assembly EFC. 6th Congress of the European Federation for Colposcopy and cervical pathology, 2013 Prague, Czech Republic.
AG Bais. Value of HPV determination after treatment CIN: adjustment for follow-up. National meeting, Cervix Uteri, 2009 Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Aagje Bais, Theo Helmerhorst. To treat or not to treat low grade disease.
Invited speaker 4th European Congress for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, 2007 Belgrade, Serbia.
AG Bais, FJ van Kemenade, J Berkhof, CJLM Meijer, TJM Helmerhorst. Self-sampling HPV test: an effective alternative for non-responders of the population based cervical screening program. Science meeting, 2007 Erasmus Medical Centre (EMCR), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Prof. Dr JC Birkenhäger award.
AG Bais, FJ van Kemenade, J Berkhof, CJLM Meijer, TJM Helmerhorst. Self-sampling HPV test: an effective alternative for non-responders of the population based cervical screening program. WMJ Schellekens symposium, 2006 The Hague, The Netherlands. Schellekens award 2006.
Aagje G. Bais, Folkert J. van Kemenade, Johannes Berkhof, Chris J.L.M. Meijer en Theo J.M. Helmerhorst. Self-sampling HPV-test: an effective alternative for non-responders of the population based cervical screening program. Science meeting Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2006 Erasmus Medical Centre (EMCR), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Aagje Bais. Adjusted guidelines pathology. Invited speaker Regional pathology meeting South-West Netherlands, 2006 Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
AG Bais, FA de Schipper, AJ van der Meulen, RHM Verheijen, PJF Snijders, CJLM Meijer, TJM Helmerhorst. TRIAGE with HPV testing for BMD smears in the Dutch population: a new policy?
3rd European Congress for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, 2004 Paris, France.
AG Bais, PC Ewing,TJM Helmerhorst, WI van der Meijden. Papular Colpitis. Case-report
workshop Colposcopy, 3rd European Congress for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, 2004 Paris, France.
AG Bais. Casuïstiek papular colpitis. National meeting Cervix Uteri, 2003 Utrecht, The Netherlands.
AG Bais, CLJM Meijer, TJM Helmerhorst. The use of HPV testing for primairy cervical cancer screening. Invited speaker Bonner Diskussionsforum Qualitätssicherung bei molecularpathologischer untersuchung, 2002 Bonn, Germany.
AG Bais, FA de Schipper, RHM Verheijen, H Beerman, PC Struijk, CJLM Meijer, TJM Helmerhorst. High-risk HPV in the triage of women referred for borderline and mild dyskaryotic smears. 2nd European Congres for Colposcopy and Cervical Cytology, 2001 Rhodos, Greece.
AG Bais, MAE Nobbenhuis, AJ van der Meulen, RHM Verheijen, FJ Voorhorst, CLJM
Meijer, TJM Helmerhorst. Innovative Approaches to Screen Underscreened Populations: The Role of Self-Sampling. ESGO 12th International meeting of Gynaecological Oncology, 2001 Venice, Italy.
AG Bais, AJ Schneider. Housemen journal Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
Healthy Education Congress, 1999 Veldhoven, The Netherlands.